It can often be hard to navigate the best products to compliment your health and fitness lifestyle when it comes to what is available in the supplement industry. Unfortunately, a lot of sports supplements have big claims without having a solid scientific base and without strict food and drug standard regulations, often these products can be contaminated and lead to ill health or even failing drug tests not to mention a burn your back pocket!

One of the most frequent questions I am asked as a Sports Dietitian is whether or not protein powder is necessary if you are training. It is well researched and accepted that protein is necessary for muscle recovery and this food group is essential in nutrients to help growth and repair, particularly if you are exercising regularly.


My first response would always be that no supplement is necessary if you have well balanced, nutritious diet. This being said, I understand our lives are busy and not everyone can be perfect with nutrition so we need to strike a balance between convenience and health.

Science tell us that 10-20g of protein post-training is beneficial for enhancing muscle protein synthesis. The next question is what does 10-20g of protein look like and where would I get that from?

This is where protein powders can be a practical solution to ensure you hit your protein needs after a session. As an unbiased nutrition critic (i.e. I am not in any way paid royalties to promote a particular product or company), one of the few products I recommend when it comes to protein powder as a dietary supplement is the range developed by Raw Amazonia. What I like about Raw Amazonia;


  1. The ingredients are based on wholefoods, where possible are organic and don’t contain unnecessary fillers or artificial additives.
  2. They have multiple sources of protein (rice, pea or whey) and in the correct balance/ratio to achieve all essential amino acids to help muscle recovery per serve (30-40g scoop of powder = 10-20g protein).
  3. The process of sprouting and fermenting grains, adding prebiotics and enzymes enhances digestion thereby increasing nutrient absorption.
  4. The company is an advocate for sustainability from source to consumer.


So where does protein powder fit into your diet?


  • Post-training is ideal particularly if you find yourself time poor then one serve in water or milk taken as a drink will kick off your nutrient recovery.
  • As part of a Breakfast, which is typically higher in carbohydrate, adding protein in powder form doesn’t require extra preparation and helps in keeping you feeling fuller for longer.
  • As a snack option if you are hungry between meals or find yourself a long way from eating a balanced meal, one serve can adequately bridge that gap.
  • As a protein source if you find your diet is lacking or low in protein in general from other food sources for various reasons.

Conveniently for P360 members, you can access Raw Amazonia protein powders when you are next in the gym! So take some time to have a look at what is available and consider using this to enhance your training and progress your results.


Cheers to Nourishment!

Angelique Clark

Sports Dietitian|Exercise Physiologist 

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