Watch the video above on 3 amazing tips to perfecting your kettlebell swing. Or you can simply read the transcript below.

Okay. So to set up the kettlebell swing, we’re going to set the bell about a foot in front of us.  As you look down at the setup position, you’re seeing a triangle you’ve got the kettlebell at the head of the triangle, and your feet in the corners of the base of the triangle. From here, we’re going to push our hips back. So we can see here that we’ve got fairly straight shins and our hips and butt projected behind us. From here we’re going to grab that bell, and going to sit it back. When we sit it back, we sit into the heels, but we’re also grabbing the ground with our toes and squeezing the floor. We set it back onto the heel of the bell, and from here we break the handle of the bell I term this as breaking chopsticks. So we twist that kettlebell, like so, which will activate the lats and Scaps.

Okay, so what I’m going to demonstrate really quickly, it’s called a hike pass.. So from here, we’re going to send it behind us into a hike. This is the hike pass. We’ll do three or four of these. So just like we do in American football, we hike it behind us. Okay. So once we’ve done a few of these, we’ll set that position really well.

From here we are at the next component, which is the power swing. So again, locking position. From here we’ll hike pass and then do one swing.  Hike pass into power swing. Hike, up, reset. So those are the first couple of components you want to set up for anyone that’s new to the kettlebell swing is to set, get the setup right, do a couple of hikes, and then work into the single power swing. From here, the next thing to be thinking about is your position as you come up. So from here, we’ll go into your swing, lock in position, hike pass into power swing, and repeat.

Generally speaking, doesn’t travel above the chin. As you reach through the bell should never go much lower than that knee position. Up and back. In that set position. Hike pass into power swing. And down. Okay. Any questions about that?

I might get Zach, come on over, I need to demonstrate a couple of things. So he can just set that position. Good. Breaking chopsticks.  Let’s go hike, send it behind you, and set it back. So reset. Reset. So you want to go down. Reset to the ground. That’s it. That’s it. Good. Shoulders back. Good. Set. As you travel back just set it straight to the ground. Good. One more. All right, so now we’ll go power swings. You’re going to stand up. So the cue here is as you stand up behind you, hike, stand up tall, back,. Cool. Stand up tall. Set. Good. So this is a power swing. This is a great way to set up position. Again. Okay, excellent. So what we’re looking for here, keep going, is upright position. The glutes are going to snap through to meet the quads. So we’re getting this hinge and quad, which allows the body to shoot straight up. And as mentioned before that swing doesn’t go past the chin.

Author – Strength and Conditioning Coach

Richi Chun