What made me feel anxious worries and a little excited?

I recently had a weird experience, which isn’t normal for me. Normally I’m really easy going and not much seems to worry me. I’ll normally give anything a try, or go anywhere to gain an experience and a different perspective. The weird experience I am referring to that made me feel anxious isn’t the most daunting thing in the world, it was simply booking in to try my first yoga session.

Now some of you out there will laugh at me for saying this, but around and hour before the session was to start I actually became a little worried. The thought of going to a place I’d never been before, with people I’ve never met wasn’t the issue. The issue was being in a room full of people that knew what they were doing when I didn’t have a clue what was about to unfold. I had this imagine in my head that everyone was going to look like the photos on Instagram where everyone is a pro. This certainly wasn’t the case at all. The images I had seen had built up this false reality in my mind and had made me feel slightly inadequate. Needless to say I got up, got dressed and showed up and I’m really happy I did! This had been something that I’d wanted to do for a little while and it was great experience! Yes I still felt like I didn’t know what was going on and had to constantly look around at people because I had no idea. Having the instructor lead the way and essentially ‘hold my hand’ through my first session made the experience really calming and effortless (except the yoga poses! It’s actually a challenging workout!).

I’ve been training at gyms for the last 15 years and nothing excites me more than training in a new facility with equipment I might not have use before and this really got me thinking. It’s like I had a chance to live the shoes of one of my members. I was thinking if this could be the case for most people walking in to a new gym for the first time and from the people I’ve spoken to about this, it actually is.

Brent Coglan – Co Founder Perform360