Previously we explored the two feelings of courage and humility as necessary qualities to begin the task to break up with what is familiar. In breaking up with these unhealthy cycles, we can begin to cultivate new and healthier feelings and reset emotional patterns that no longer serve who we are becoming.

Feelings such as anxiety, frustration, fear, and overwhelm are often unconsciously impacting not only our stress levels, but also our words, behaviours, relationships, and our overall health. The emotional patterns become the way in which we view the world, and as we continue to repeat these patterns day after day our health continues to be impacted. It is only by shifting these emotional patterns to more renewing and regenerative feelings, such as appreciation, kindness, gratitude, and compassion that we can begin to break this cycle.

Having a positive mindset is only part of the solution, as the more meaningful and lasting change in these patterns occurs when we shift to positive emotions. This is because not only does the heart receive information from the brain, but it also actually sends information back. Often more than it receives! There are four primary ways we know how the heart communicates with the brain:

  • Neurological communication (nervous system)
  • Biochemical communication (hormones)
  • Biophysical communication (pulse waves)
  • Energetic Communication (electromagnetic fields)

So having a positive mindset and telling yourself “I am courageous” is only part of the process, particularly if the signals going from your heart to your brain are being generated by via emotions of fear and anxiety. This mixed signalling causes confusion and chaos in the short term, and disease in the medium to long term. It is only through aligning what the brain thinks, with what the heart knows that we can begin change our neural emotional architecture and build baseline patterns that are coherent and healthy.

Next time we shall continue to explore how we create new neural emotional baseline patterns.


Craig Logan

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