Allergic to Life

Why is it that it seems like so many people are allergic to modern life? One looks around and we are surrounded by physical, emotional and mental illness. Each day we seem to experience more chaos and confusion with many people suffering through this ‘normal’ as they struggle to just get through each day. Unfortunately for many, modern life can involve being overweight, managing chronic pain or taking medications. This is then combined with not sleeping, low energy, high levels of stress, self-medication and doing a job you don’t enjoy. This was my experience until I asked:

Is this how I am supposed to experience life? Is this normal?

Whilst it was familiar to me, I decided it wasn’t normal. When something is familiar to us, we can mistake it for normal, despite how unhealthy it may be. In scenarios like the one mentioned above, we struggle through trying to make meaning of the world. But we can’t, because our baseline emotional patterns are fear, anxiety, frustration and overwhelm, and our thinking and decision-making lacks clarity and composure. Added to this we are constantly bombarded with headlines, opinions, and stories on media and social media which add to the fear, anxiety and confusion.

It is only when we can begin to see our current reality in a different way then we can begin to shift what we accept as normal. The process of ‘breaking up’ with the familiar can be extremely uncomfortable given the uncertainty which accompanies what lies beyond what is familiar, but this is a necessary step in order to achieve different outcomes. What if there was another path that through embracing your full humanity: body, soul and spirit you could begin to experience and live life in a more meaningful way? But to do this takes courage. It is the courage to let go of your past, enter the unfamiliar and continue to evolve into what you are becoming.

In the coming weeks we will explore this journey of how to shift those familiar patterns, to more healthy thoughts and emotions.

Seeds of Coherence – Program Overview.

Craig Logan

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