It’s totally normal to feel stressed and worried at times. What’s not normal is when these feelings don’t go away when the source of the stress has been removed eg. a big project at work; someone we love is ill or has passed away.

When anxious feelings are ongoing, without a clear cause, things can spiral out of control and sufferers can feel that even the simplest parts of daily life really tough. According to BeyondBlue, anxiety affects 1 in 4 people (1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men) at some stage in their life, making it the most common mental health condition in Australia.

Help yourself, help others.

Talking about how you feel matters. R U OK? advocate that “a conversation could change a life.” And taking time to learn about how anxiety manifests can help you and others in two key ways.

1 – You’ll be able to recognise signs in yourself and better recognise when to seek help.

2 – Your awareness can help others. If you see someone having a hard time, start a conversation with them.

Keep up your training and ask for help.

One thing that research has supported, time and time again, is that regular exercise helps reduce the symptoms of both anxiety and depression. So even if you aren’t feeling ‘up to it’, getting along to your regular sessions is one of the best things you can do. Just be gentle and kind to yourself.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive community at P360, if you need to talk to someone – more than just a casual chat with a member – reach out to one of the Coaches and we can help.

If you are concerned about your own levels of anxiety or worried about a friend, there are many great resources available – go to R U OK? or visit BeyondBlue to learn more. If there are children in your life who may be showing signs, try Smiling Mind.

Credit: Positively Present via the Gottman Institute.