What is cREATINE?

Creatine is an organic and naturally occurring compound, located in the body’s skeletal muscle and brain. Creatine is primarily obtained through the dietary consumption of animal muscle, such as red meat or fish, however, it is also produced in the body, in the liver and to a lesser extent, in the pancreas and kidneys. Creatine levels between individuals varies greatly, likely as a result of gender, age, dietary preferences and muscle fibre type.

Why do we need it?

Creatine has various roles in the body, including assisting in the regulation of energy production. The compound acts to help supply and regenerate the body with ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the main energy currency in the body. This role of creatine in energy production is particularly important in bouts of high-intensity exercise, such as short sprints. Research suggests that creatine may be beneficial for increasing strength, power, and work from maximal effort muscle contractions.

Who would benefit?

There are various people who may benefit from creatine supplementation, including:

  • Individuals participating in repeated bouts of high-intensity exercise, separated by short recovery periods, such as throwers or sprinters.
  • Individuals undertaking heavy weight-lifting and resistance training programs.

It is worth noting, that the physiological response to creatine supplementation varies considerably between individuals. Individuals with lower initial creatine stores, such as vegans or vegetarians, generally show the greatest responses to supplementation. Vegetarians often do not receive adequate quantities of creatine through dietary sources alone, and thus have lower levels of muscle creatine than meat eaters and are more reliant on body synthesis of creatine. Therefore, creatine supplementation may be beneficial in these instances.

Where do I get it?

Across the P360 counter! P360 stocks VPA Creatine. Simply ask one of the Perform 360 staff to help you grab it from the shelf at the gym.

How do I use it?

Creatine supplementation involves a loading and maintenance phase. In order to promote uptake and storage of creatine, supplementation should be accompanied by a form of carbohydrate. Optimal dosing strategies have been defined below:

Rapid Loading Protocol: 20g / day of creatine (divided into 4 x 5 g doses) for 5 days. These doses should be taken with a meal or snack supplying a substantial amount of carbohydrate (50-100g).

Slow Loading Protocol: 3-5g / day of creatine consumed with a substantial carbohydrate meal or snack.

Maintenance Dose Protocol: 3g / day (for 12 weeks, then ensure a wash-out period).

As always, before embarking on creatine supplementation, it is always beneficial to correspond with your sports dietitian or relevant medical professional to ensure the most appropriate dosing strategy is achieved.

Author Angelique Clark – Sports Dietitian