Here’s my story…

…The lower back is a scary thing to hurt! I’ve been there and I’ve done that. I used to think I had great technique but when I first started training I was young, in my late teens and I didn’t have the proper coaching and guidance to show me how the lifts were supposed to be performed correctly and most of all – safely! I remember “crushing” a big deadlift session, you know the one, lots of heavy weights, lots of sets and walking out of the gym feeling pumped! I couldn’t wait to get back in for the next session! Everything was going great and I was getting ready for my very first natural body building show. That was until I cooled down and realised I couldn’t move without excruciating pain. There was no position I could be in for over 10 minutes that would offer any kind of relief.

The diagnosis was a strained L4-L5, which are the last 2 facet joints in the lumbar spine and one of the most common to injure. Simple everyday tasks like brushing my teeth and rolling out of bed were met with a sharp pain stabbing me straight in the spine. I thought I was never to lift weights again. With physio and a well-structured rehab plan, after 2-3months I was pain free and getting back to full strength but this time, I was doing it right!

What did I learn from this experience?


I learnt that seeking out the right people to teach me how to lift weights correctly and effectively would prove to be invaluable.

…That was over a decade ago now, back when I thought I was invincible and really pushed the limits physically. That was a big wake up call for me and started me on a path of maximal physical efficiency. What does that mean? It means to be the most efficient at an exercise you can be whilst simultaneously receiving the full benefit from it. In order to do that, you have to recruit all of the right muscles and perform the task with perfect technique.

What does this mean for you?

I have endlessly studied movement technique and have learned from some of the best people involved in Strength & Conditioning to bring this knowledge to my coaching staff in addition to the members of our training facility to ensure no one gets injured as a result of poor technique.

In the last month we’ve had 3 people come to us with lower back injuries after they were cleared by a physio to start easing back into training. Previously, they had all been participating in other popular forms of weight training and high intensity training sessions. What we identified in our initial assessment of these members as well as others, is that generally, people with lower back injuries commonly have an issue with their glute and hip strength and/or mobility and an inability to breathe correctly using the diaphragm.


By implementing a combination of specific stretches, foam rolling techniques and activation drills, along with any recommendations from the physio, we see a dramatic increase in flexibility, mobility, strength and activation through the core and hip region. We re-educate and coach these people on how to switch on the core to protect the spine during a lift.

We get it, hurting your lower back sucks! If you’ve hurt your back and are cleared by a health professional to start training, but are overly cautious to lift weights again, shoot us an email at and we’ll help you get back into training… and this time – correctly!

Brent Coglan

Co-owner of Perform 360

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