I wrote a blog not long ago about getting nervous before training, that we as coaches also get nervous before certain workouts. Then I received an email from a member recently that inspired me to write this blog. This member was surprised to know that coaches can sometimes have a lack of motivation to train.

When most people think of Personal Trainers and Coaches, they think that we are always eager to train. That we eat, sleep and think about training all day. However, that isn’t the case, we are still human. We to go through periods where training becomes a chore. I could easily not train most of the time, especially when I’m tired.

With that being said, we still know that training and eating the right foods is an important part of keeping healthy. This is the message that I would like to get across; that you don’t have to start training, workout crazy hard and then expect to love it. However, we create a community that is enjoyable to be in, comrades to do it with and people who support you.

That’s why we as coaches train together, we pick each other up and motivate each other when we’re struggling, we also keep each other accountable.

If you are ever feeling a slump in your training or feeling that lack of motivation. Then chat to one of the coaches. We are here to help you, maybe there is something we can do to mix up your training or go through some goal setting. Whatever it is, we can relate.

I hope this helps.

Coach Alex