Does every training session need to be the hardest?

You don’t have to make every session the hardest! Sometimes just rocking up and getting it done is all you need to keep progressing. Let me explain.

If you’re feeling stressed out, overly anxious, didn’t get enough sleep, feeling run down and on the verge of getting a cold, then smashing yourself in the gym is going to make you feel worse. Not better. This isn’t a cop out, and you have to be really honest with how you’re feeling on the day. Assessing your body and how you feel as you warm up and start getting in to the workout is very important. If you’re feeling great and full of energy then go ahead and smash it! If your body is telling you otherwise then listen to it, it’s giving you warning signs.

The way we program is based around progression over months and years…not days and weeks. If you take an easier day here and there it wont have any negative impact if your consistently racking up the training sessions. We don’t do workouts, we do training sessions and training plans with progression as the core focus. Anyone can write a workout that will get you sore and sweaty…that’s easy! But to write a training plan that will take someone towards their goals…that’s an art.

Sometimes an easier day here and there can be a good thing so don’t beat yourself up over it. Think about the big picture. Where do you want to be 1 year, 5 years, 10 years down the track? Not next week. When you think about training or being active for the rest of your life and an easier session once in a while is going  to be ok.

One of my favourite training quotes is “look at training as if you have to move a big pile of dirt. Some days you get a shovel, and other days you get a spoon. But as long as you get to move a little dirt each day, you are moving towards your goal” – John Welbourn – CEO Power Athlete

Train smart,

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