I was chatting to a member last month and they asked me as they were about to do some Pull Ups…“How do you feel going into a workout?” They were surprised to hear that I to get nervous and anxious before certain workouts and quite relieved that Coaches get nervous to. So if you think you’re the only person who gets nervous before a workout, you’d be wrong.

I see training anxiety as a positive and like to hear when members have a few butterfly’s flying around inside. This show’s that you are fully prepared to do some hard work and put the body through a bit of torment.

If you turned up and you and weren’t a little scared before some of the workouts then how much are you really willing to suffer? Could your head be in the wrong place? Having a bit of fear is a test of your grit.

Like anything in life, anything worth doing takes hard work. The feeling of completing something easy doesn’t compare to completing something that challenged us. By turning up and going after it is proving to yourself that you have the tenacity and the commitment to get stronger, faster and healthier. This game isn’t for everyone, but having the courage to get after it and put yourself through a bit of discomfort will make you better physically and mentally when you come out the other side.

“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear” – Mark Twain


Thanks for reading – Coach Alex

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