Your 4 Step Muscle-Up Guide

The muscle up is one of those feats of strength that people just love! Everyone wants to be able to do one! At Perform 360 we focus on the strict version of the ring muscle up to develop incredible dynamic pulling and pushing strength.

In one week I showed 10 of our members and staff how to do their first strict ring muscle up with this exact progression. 8 of them got it on their very first attempt!


I’ve tried out a lot of different progressions over the years and have found this sequence the most successful.

Below is what you’ll need to be able to perform to have the required strength for your first muscle up.

Here’s the checklist.

  1. 5 strict ring pull ups

Focus on a slight backwards lean and pulling the rings to your ribs.


  1. 5 strict ring dips

Focus on keeping the forearms vertical and leaning slightly forwards. Touch the ring to the bicep at the bottom of the movement and turn the rings outwards on the lock out.

  1. False grip hangs

You need to have the forearm strength and shoulder mobility so you can full hang with false grip with the rings facing outwards. This is our start and finish position. Work up to 20sec straight arm hangs in the false grip.

  1. Transition

The transition from the pull up to the dip is all that is left until you’ve nailed your first muscle up. This simple yet extremely effective drill teaches you the skill and helps to build the required internal rotation strength to get you up and over! Make sure to perform it slowly to build the strength you’re going to need. Do sets of 3-5 reps.


Master these 4 steps and you’ll have you’re first muscle up in no time.

Brent Coglan – Co-Owner at Perform360