The holiday season tends to be a time when we overindulge without discretion and we tend to be exercising less, this applies to the children in our lives too.

Santa may be watching if our children are naughty or nice but as role models for the children in our lives, we all need to step up into the role of ‘Portion Size Controlling Santa’.

Chocolate or Christmas Mince Pies may be your weakness, or your childs, it’s no surprise that moderation is critical for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Try this – make a mental list of the foods you sneak more of than you should… you’ll be surprised at the calories you consume unknowingly /unconsciously.  Now imagine what the little people in our lives are consuming?!

“1 in 4 Australian children (aged 2-17) were overweight or obese in 2014-15” Source: Australian Institute of Health & Welfare

Solving this problem will take a village.  

No surprises that eating more than we should on a regular basis and not exercising enough will make us gain weight. The winning equation for weight loss is pretty damn simple -> less calories in, more energy out. To maintain weight, balance your intake with how much energy you exert.

We all want the best for the children in our lives, many of us invest endless amounts of time and money in their childcare, extra-curricular activities and education but sadly, many over look one of the greatest things we can impact – their health and wellbeing.

You don’t need to be a parent to play a role. As grandparents, aunties, uncles, godparents, good friends – you can be a role model and influence them to make better food choices and influence their eating habits and styles. 

Here are 3 ways you can make a big difference:

1. Reduce portion sizes & throw extra fresh

  • If you have pizza, chop some carrot, cucumber and fruit to have with it
  • Indulging in custard, cakes and biscuits? Have it with a banana to fill their tummies first.
  • Don’t let them over snack so they’re still hungry for dinner

2.  Encourage more exercise

  • Get outdoors – bike riding, swimming, kicking a ball in the backyard, playing beach cricket or throwing Frisbee
  • Reduce device time – read a book with them, play a board game, card games such as Uno, puzzles, rubbix snake puzzle (which my 4yo is obsessed with at the moment) teach them juggling etc…

3. Promote ‘mindful’ eating

  • Ask them questions such as; what’s the temperature like? How’s the texture? Is it sweet or savoury? Does it have a smell? This will encourage them to eat a little slower and experience lots of difference senses therefore enjoying the process and consuming a little less.
  • Get them involved with the cooking or baking process. Not only do they learn and appreciated their efforts they know exactly what the ingredients are.

Merry Mindful Season,

Jason & Brent – Founders Perform 360