Believe in your purpose. Believe in your calling. Believe in your ability!

Are you following what your heart and your instincts are telling you to? Are you living your true calling?

The majority of people would struggle to answer yes to these questions. In fact, many people settle for the safety of comfort, certainty and consistency in life over passion, dreams or true purpose. So why is it that if we can acknowledge and understand we’re not completely satisfied with our chosen job, career pathway or daily life, that comfort seems to be more powerful then complete fulfillment?

I can’t settle for comfort, as I would be doing myself an injustice and my industry a disservice. It’s boring and uneventful and the biggest factor is that it doesn’t make me happy. I feel so compelled to spread my humble and honest message of what I believe health and fitness is truly about. It’s a message so important to me that I have made many sacrifices, invested a lot of time and lost large sums of money over to ensure what I am teaching is my truth.

I can genuinely say that I write this blog at one of the most stressful times in my life.

At this moment I have resigned from my full time role at Snap Fitness where I held a high profile title as National PT Manager, I have emptied my pockets countless times on an ineffective fitness business model only to recently finalise its closure a result of many contributing factors, I have just welcomed my second son into this wonderful and opportunist world all while embarking on the creation of this new business. Many said “Why on Earth would you do this at this time?”, but my heart said “Why NOT”, and for that one moment when I was quiet enough to listen to it, I felt invigorated and that’s how I knew it was right.

Stress can be a double edge state of being, as too much anxiety is not productive for any performance but just enough can be used as a call to action and I think I must thrive on challenges! Climbing the ladder of self-fulfillment is what drives me to keep going even in the face of all the obstacles I have been thrown. It now becomes much more than just money or material possessions; true wealth for me is about living my purpose. 

As a consequence of these recent series of events and being true to my inner purpose has led me to at this point in my life develop and deliver a new health and fitness concept Perform 360 with my long-term friend, training and business partner Brent Coglan. The concept has such a powerful, meaningful and holistic fitness message that I am so eager to share with you. New beginnings never start from easy times but this was my opportunity to get out of my comfort zone and if there was ever a better time to strive for more out of you, it’s now. 

Jason Clark – Co Founder Perform360

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