One sentence has stuck with me and has completely changed the way I make decisions. A client once told me, READY! FIRE! AIM!

He had just finished his MBA and we were discussing why people take so long to make a final decision. It seems people are waiting for the water temperature to be just perfect before jumping in to the pool. My approach? Just dive in and see what you learn.

Learn to recognise and avoid analysis paralysis

Analysis paralysis is a common term and unfortunately common practice in business and fitness environments. I see it all the time especially with people experimenting with different nutritional approaches.

Here is how one example can play out: They read an article about let’s say, paleo that sparks their curiosity. They dig a little deeper. They’re about to try it, then read a conflicting article about why what they’re about to try is wrong/bad/pointless. So, they do nothing. NOTHING. This can continue for months, during which time they come up with different reasons for their indecision and inaction. This process takes up an unfathomable amount of precious mental brain space and prevents learning from experiences. In some cases, they finally think screw it and seek out an expert in that field. Worst still, they don’t even act on the advice of the expert once their spent time and money on it! You get the drift.

Don’t deliberate, act. 

We recently surveyed our members and the majority of them thought about starting training for six months before getting in touch with us. Imagine the progress they could have made in that time if they’d started when they FIRST thought about it. Would you believe we’ve even had people enquire about training with us a couple of times each year for the last 5 years. They just don’t ACT. They SAY they want to start training but instead of starting, they create scenarios and excuses in their head about why they can’t take action. They are not in the driver’s seat so they’ll never create the changes they want. Life’s too short for this attitude.

You are the driver, navigate your direction.

I’m saying that whatever it is you are ‘thinking about doing’ just go after it, give it a try. Take control of the steering wheel of your life. What’s the absolute worst that can happen? You don’t like it? GREAT, you tried, you learnt something – now you don’t have to WONDER whether you’ll like it anymore. Better still, what if you LOVE it. You may discover something that will reshape your life in the most positive way possible. One member has set a goal of trying something new in the gym each month, this month is Olympic weightlifting sessions, last month it was Movement classes. It’s nutritious for the brain and good for your soul.

Even if you don’t enjoy everything you try, you can take comfort that you tried. I guarantee you’ll learn something about yourself that you can add to your ‘life toolkit’, so make sure you take the time to reflect on what you learnt from the experience. The stars don’t have to align on every decision you make. Nothing is going to happen unless YOU step up, firmly take the reins and make it happen. Just think how exciting it is that we live in a world so spoiled for choice in opportunities to learn and grow.

This week’s challenge… identify that burning ‘thing’ you’ve been thinking about on and off for years (we all have something) and go and DO IT!

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