Today we have P360’s Exercise Physiologist Caitlyn Huth explain then 3 key connection points in the fee to improve your squat, called “The Tripod”

Read below for the transcript or simply watch the video for the quick explanation.

“The term called “tripod.” There’s three points on your feet which we want you to firmly plant into the ground:

  1. The base of your big toe
  2. The base of your little toe
  3. And your heel.

So find a good stance. Spread your toes and plant them, and then push down through those three points. We want you to feel your arches lifting up off the ground as you do that. You’re gripping the floor. We’re not scrunching the toes, but we’re gripping the floor.
With that, then imagining tearing the ground apart. Feel that mid section of your foot nice and clear off the ground, and then once relaxed, it’ll probably collapse back down.

So plant through those three points: the base of your big toe, the base of your little toe, and your heel; and feel those muscles in your feet and arch really get a good firm planting into the ground.

Do a quick assessment now and ask yourself How does that feel? See what happens to the foot. Feel more stable?

Remember – your all your toes and heels must stay on the ground.That’s what makes your stance more stable.

All right, so everybody get used to feeling your feet. They’re our foundation. It’s what we stand on, it’s what we walk on, it’s what we lift on, so super important to get used to activating those muscles, and that will translate into all of the exercises that we do standing and walking and whatnot.’

Caitlyn Huth – Exercise Physiologist

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