Recently, (actually since Perform 360’s inception nearly 6 years ago) THIS TOPIC has been probably the most discussed topic among the P360 coaches.

This energic, passionate, and brainstorming discussion during P360’s weekly meeting was…the correct use of lower, middle, and upper Trapezius for members…and pretty much anyone.

“What tha?” you might say. Isn’t that some circus aerial performance? No (but they are very impressive the ol trapeze artist).

We’re talking back muscles. See below

Why is the correct use of these muscles at the right time crucial?

Basically, they assist with better posture and shoulder positioning in day-to-day living and/or training.

But think about this. How many hours are we sitting per day in poor posture? How many hours are we sleeping on our side in a poor position? Do the maths!

6-8 hrs sleeping on your side, and most would probably be in a poor position (see below). Then sitting anywhere from 7-10 hours a day, in once again, a lazy position. If we find ourselves being in these positions, it’s not that we’re lazy per se. It’s the duration of sleeping and sitting that is the issue. Up to 18 hours a day will undoubtedly cause a change in posture over time no matter how strong you are.

It really is no surprise why some people can not achieve good shoulder positioning during any given exercise when factoring in collective sleeping and sitting hours per day.

So the conversation (which really could have gone on for days) is how to give members their biggest bang for their buck in terms of strengthening the mid-back. Analysing the limited time we see them throughout the week in comparison to the 18hrs mentioned above. It would seem we’re pushing S#@t uphill with the difference. The balancing of education/correction versus potential time in a poor position would seem a lost cause right?

Not in our eyes. We feel we can slowly chip away and get people to understand their body mechanics on a much deeper level. We help them understand what it feels and looks like to be activating these important muscles correctly.

So what are some of the things we teach and coach here at P360? Well, it just so happens our Youtube channel has over 10 videos on particular exercises that build the all-important lower and mid trap.

Instead of showing our entire library of lower and mid trap exercises, we’ve narrowed it down to our top 3. Trying to give you the best bang for your buck. So here they are;

We hope you found this valuable and start to chip away by incorporating these exercises at the gym or at home.

Yours truly

The P360 Team

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