“The journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step” – Lao Tzu

A popular Chinese proverb that for many of us lights the spark to ignite long term success, but as simple as this sage advice sounds could it really be that easy?

In today’s mindful exploration we seek to discover the power of “Kaizen” a Japanese term describing the power of “ongoing improvement”

The Secret Super Power

To understand “Kaizen” it is necessary to appreciate that for most of us this superpower already exists within us. Think about a time in your life where you have persevered with something that with persistent effort you eventually succeeded in that activity.

Do you remember learning to ride a bike?

What about getting your driver’s license?

Getting that grade you wanted after a tough exam or assignment?

These are 3 common examples of how “Kaizen” may have already found its way into your subconscious mind and be-holds the seed of success you can apply to anything you choose to focus your efforts towards.

Compounding  Effort 

In the book “ The Slight Edge” author Jeff Olsen does an amazing job to bring this idea to life.

Using real life examples of how “The Slight Edge” leverages the concept of “Compounding Effort” to work towards “Success” which as described within the text is the “Gradual realisation of a worthy ideal”

“Continual improvement” paired with “compounding effort” are a powerful mix and can be discovered within our DNA by enquiring into our very own life experiences… Do you remember learning to ride a bike for the first time?

Learning to ride a bike

Growing up and learning to ride a bike is like a rite of passage to early adolescence and as kid’s achieving this skill can lead to our first taste of independence and freedom. But it doesn’t come without applying the concepts of “Compounding Effort” and the trials and tribulations that can come as an experience of learning to ride a bike.

In the beginning your parents may have your bike fitted with trainer wheels, this allows you to understand the concepts of balance, proprioception, strength but most importantly the confidence to ride without too much concern of falling off your bike.

With Practice (compounding effort) and time you are ready to remove the stabilisers and take on the next challenge of riding without trainer wheels. As with anything new, fear is intrinsically built within the unknown but what you have in your toolkit is confidence developed through compounding effort , you have confidence, strength and balance on your side and are better positioned to succeed.

Of course it’s never easy making the transition and it’s likely you will have a few spills and falls but remember that secret super power we mentioned above? Yes it’s within you and you know that if you persevere that you will eventually ride with confidence and taste the freedom that cycling can bring you.


So with a sound understanding of how this concept works the trick for you now is how do I recognise that i’m on the bike and not off the bike , in other words how do I know if i’m on the right path?

  1. What are you trying to achieve?
  2. Have you committed?
  3. Do you have support?

Using the above “learning to ride a bike” analogy this is potentially how most kids perceive these questions and demonstrates the actions to achieve their goals.

  1. I want to ride my bike so I can go on bike rides with my friends – Extrinsic Motivation
  2. I need to take off the trainer wheels and practice as much as I can to get better at it – Intrinsic Motivation
  3. I need my parents to help me to get better at this – Support

So take a moment to ask yourself these questions, make notes and apply the below habits to succeed with every goal you set your mind to.

The Habits

Show up

Be consistent

Have a positive outlook

Cultivate a Burning Desire

Be committed to the long haul

Be prepared to pay the price

Uphold integrity of action

Habits in action

Show up

Show up consistently

Show up consistently and have a positive outlook

Cultivate a burning desire

Be willing to pay the price

Do what you know to do is right especially when nobody is watching


Every element of success exists within us, confront yourself to grow, challenge yourself to explore your limits and advance steadily through them, cultivate good habits, nurture your progress, celebrate your successes and accept your failings, they are all a part of the natural cycle of human accomplishment.

And remember …

Take a single step!


Author – Coach Richie

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